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Keep Your Promise

Robocar Poli S1 (ENG) • 13m

Up Next in Robocar Poli S1 (ENG)

  • Talent Contest

    Broom’s town holds Boasting Competition. Dump is anxious about missing Bruner's super ball performance. While He is climbing up the hill with a lot of loads, he gets flat tire. Can Rescue team save Dump?

  • It's Okay to Make a Mistake

    Posty spreads the story of Spook's mistake over Broom’s town. Posty says to Spooky that he never makes mistakes. Yet, Posty drops one of his packages while delivering and goes down the stairs to pick it up. Posty slides to the guard rail along the cliff and be stuck into the guard lane. Spooky tr...

  • I Love You, Grandpa

    Mini wants to have a nice tire like her friends. However Grandpa, Mr. Musty gives Mini an old fashioned tire saying it is strong, firm and fit to her. Mr. Musty gets to know that Mini does not like that and he buys the Princess tire for Mini who is disappointed. On the way home from the shop, Mr....